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  • Writer's pictureMason Davis

Washing Your Sleeping Bag

A sleeping bag, in my opinion, is one of the most important pieces of gear necessary to enjoy overnighting in the out of doors. It can make or break any outdoor adventure. A good night's rest is critical on any trek or campout as I’m sure many of you are well aware! How well you treat your sleeping bag is important, on trail and off trail. Take care of your gear and your gear will take care of you.

If you are anything like me, you are a bit of a gear junkie! Your gear is important, it takes you cool places and protects you from the elements. Early on, I admit that gear maintenance was an unknown and ignored part of my adventures. I knew about drying out your gear and storing it properly, but I was not well versed in the regular maintenance of my gear.

As I began to adventure and sleep outside more and more I found a few problems developing. First my gear smelled, namely my sleeping bag. After a few months of nights under the stars, I found that the mummy bag I called home was becoming anything but. An odor began to permeate my bag and eventually all of my gear. I knew I needed to find a fix, and soon.

I soon dove into the world of gear maintenance. Not only was I surprised that this wonderful world existed but that almost every fix was a simple one. It’s pretty simple, wash your stuff! From sleeping bags to Chacos, I learned that the most important thing you can do for your gear is to keep it clean.

I cleaned out my bathtub and filled it about half full with water. I pulled out my smelly sleeping bag and drowned it in the tub. Then I added a full cap of Nikwax Down Wash Direct, and began the washing process. I pulled and stirred the concoction for roughly an hour. You could see the dirt wash out before your eyes. The soaked mummy bag was hung from the railing outside. It took nearly half a day to dry but it was well worth it. My sleeping bag was fresh and clean. The down on the inside had been shifted a little bit but not enough to cause any problems.

This simple chore of washing with Nikwax Down Wash Direct has given new life to my sleeping bag. I spent maybe two hours at most in prep and actual cleaning. Knowing how easy it is, maybe next time I will wash it a little bit sooner!

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